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Project | 01
Project | 01 Data Augmentation for text using GAN

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Project | 02
Project | 02 Poverty prediction using Satellite Images with Multi-task Learning

Aims to propose a Multi-task model to predict poverty in rural areas using satellite images. We take additional information into the network to learn the shared representations.

Project | 03
Project | 03 Code Retrieval based on Weighted Similarities of Control Flow and Structure
(Nominated for Best Project in IR Course)

Aims to find relevant answers for an input query consisting of the problem description and its associated code using stack overflow dataset.

Project | 04
Project | 04 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Imbalanced Classification

Data in real-world application often exhibit skewed distribution i.e, imbalance in data. Using the conventional machine learning techniques is not giving the good results because of skewness. So, we are using Deep Reinforcement learning technique to do the classification task in imbalanced dataset.

Project | 05
Project | 06
Project | 05 Recognition of Facial Expressions and Gender Classification on Images

Objective of our project is to recognize the seven key human emotions: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise and neutrality along with gender detection of a person from given facial image.

Project | 06 Distracted Driver Detection

Aim to detect such distracted drivers from among a set of actions portrayed in each sample of the image dataset provided as part of an already-concluded Kaggle competition.

Project | 07
Project | 07 Finding Similarities and Patterns from District level Data of India (Census 2011)

Studying the vast information from census 2011 and finding out similarities among districts using Data Mining techniques.

Project | 08
Project | 08 AI Vs 2048

Aim to model an AI bot designed to play the game 2048. Used minimax, expectimax, Q-Learning and Deep Q-Learning to train the model.

Project | 09
Project | 09 Finding measure of chest, waist and height using Kinect readings

Used the readings of kinect to get the measure of chest, waist and height using weight of the person using simple regression technique. It is Hackathon project @IBM Research Bangalore.

Project | 10
Project | 10 Smart HealthCare System

Java based Application for Healthcare System

Project | 11
Project | 11 MessMation App

Aim to build an android application to automate the paper based Coupon System in Mess  using Bluetooth Beacon.

Project | 12
Project | 12 BTP Project
Leaf Disease Detection using SVM
Designed a model to detect the disease in leaf using SVM technique
Lips Extraction from Facial Image
Designed a model which extracts lips from facial image.
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